Monday, December 11, 2006

Killing deer at the Creek

I was going to ride my MTB today through the backroads to Stoney and onto the MTB trials but I decided the trails might be a little muddy and instead I opted to ride my road bike. Good thing I did because the south side of the park was closed so the DNR or whoever could manage the deer population. I got some good base miles in and it felt good to be on a road bike again. I used my camera phone to capture some of the action but I cannot seem to be able to download pics from my phone onto my PC. The only other guy on a bike was some dude on a recumbent that seemed to be enjoying himself. I rode through the Baypoint beach parking lot and it seemed weird that only about a month ago we were racing cross and there were cars in the lot. Tonight the lot was empty not one car. I was able to see the outline of the course as the grass was still worn down in some areas and it gave me a chill. Here's a lesson that I learned from that race never combine a glass of apple cider with a GU. It is a combination for a gastric explosion worse than that of one Jay Moncel after eating at Taco Bell. Overall about an hour and a half of nice riding tonight. It pissed rain but I never got to wet or felt cold. Gotta get working on uploading from my phone...Oh well. Late

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