Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Baboon Ass

Now anyone out there who understands the Ace knows that I work to live not live to work like many of my colleagues. In fact I leave work 30-40 minutes early everyday (especially in the winter) so that I can ride. So today the plan was no different than any other day except for one thing. Today was my yearly performance appraisal. Now other than the fact that I scam out and disappear early almost everyday I am an otherwise exemplary employee. So today my fucking fatass 5 month pregnant with her third child saggy titted boss ( who is still going to work full time and let daycare raise her kids) decides to get all chatty. Now normally I can't stand having a 5 minute conversation with the MONSTER so how long does my appraisal last.....FUCKING 90 MINUTES.... I was ready to kill myself. But wait there is more....not only am I about to piss myself with boredom but by the time this fucking thing is over it is now 3:25 p.m. a full twenty five minutes after my shift ends. Fucking great. No riding for me today which was OK because I was really in no mood anyway. Took JRC to Bloomer and we hung out on the play structure. Wasn't a bad day after all but I'm leaving a full hour early tomorrow to make up for my deuche bag of a boss.


rachel said...

I think I almost wet myself when I read how you described your boss! I guess I'm pretty fortunate that I get along quite well with mine.

sworksredace said...

She is a freaking BEAST..When do we get the NATZ Update? I want the full race report!!!!

Crawford Tillinghast said...


Jeepers! the thought of The Drake being pregnant scares the shit out of me....

Crawford Tillinghast said...

Count yourself lucky you have only one boss..Instead of designers who need your input and multiple bosses who want deadlines met....Not to mention the clients, another can of worms right there. I can plan on cutting out at 4 and before I know it its 5:30 and people ask me "Are you leaving already?", "Coming in on Saturday?", or "meet you at 5am to get to the client."


Crawford Tillinghast said...

....Or better yet the "I can't go to the Leelenau race because I have a project due that coming morning and I've already been working 12-hour days (and not riding) to get it done but its not done and i have to come in all weekend to help the designers...oh yeah and the software is glitchy....And I could've avoided it all if I'd worked overtime back in the summer but then I wouldn't be in shape to do Leelenau because I'd be working instead of riding...i just can't win....

/self pity

Thanks for the forum!!!!

Crawford Tillinghast said...

....And its no use getting mad at your bosses or clients because they're in the same boat you're in: Overloaded and understaffed, with ridiculous deadlines set by some corporate suits who get off on making lots of money and living to work.....


rachel said...

OMG, Jamie & I just figured out what RH means. You sicko!

sworksredace said...

Man Craw daddy U kinda make me feel guilty for only working 6:30-3:00! I think I'm going to try and be one of those overachievers that comes in early every day works through lunch and quits riding so I can work till 9 pm and never see my kids.

Crawford Tillinghast said...

No offense intended, sorry. I just happened to be on your site when I vented my speen.

Sorry about the mess.

sworksredace said...

No offense taken. I'm just trying to beat the man and ride throughout the winter. All in a days work as long as I can scam out early...