Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Guess Who's Back? Back Again? CATHY'S BACK

So tell all your friends.....Yes she's back and she's back.....So we knew Cathy was going to be in town after Xmas and that can only mean one thing LONG ASS RIDES that usually end up with Cathy getting us lost and DC berating the hell out of her. Well today would be different.. PLRA 2:00 sharp (but I had to be there early to give Cathy her Xmas present...Some full on Planet Cycle Freddy Fenders so she wouldn't get her COOTER wet!!!) The fenders went on in a snap and soon DC, Cathy, The REV or New Dave, Butt and I take off out of the parking lot. Riding in the winter with fenders looks so DORKY but they do keep alot of the slop off of your legs so U don't get that Oh so chilled effect. The trail was wet and slimy but not to muddy..Fenders working well all was good. But with Cathy in tow U knew the ride would't be casual for to long. This was fucking tremendous for me as I have had a cold and some serious LUNG BUTTER for the past 2 weeks as a matter of fact I haven't been on my bike since last Thursday and I knew I was gonna ride like SHIT!!! The ride is going along well until we get to the end of the trail...Now since we know that place like the back of our collective hands I knew Cathy would want to ride some of the horse trails and old sections that we lost over the years to the horse people. Lets just say that the Pukes, Merit badge and the back of Cannibal were involved. Butt and I got dropped of the back as Cathy and DC were putting it down (I may have been able to hand if I could have inhaled more that a quarter of my VC) the REV was even content to ride casual until DC and Cathy opened up the gap more...The The REV was off. All in all not a bad way to spend 2 hrs riding with your friends on a day when it would have been easier to stay at home. Tomorrows ride should be equally enjoyable. Gotta get some serious rest and drink lots of fluids..If that fails a steroid dose pack may be in the near future as now I'm hacking up tons of shit and I have this nice wheezing cough (think cat with a furball caught in his throat). More on Cathy 2morrow....Rumor has it she is going to buy a snowboard...Rome if U want 2....Rome around the world... TC


rachel said...

who is cathy?

The Pack said...

Blackjack- What are you talking about? You are more obscure and obtuse than Stuart Scott. Why don't you send me your Ovaltine decoder ring so I can figure out what you are saying. By the way, I talked to your boss and she is happt to hear that she is spoken of so favorably.

sworksredace said...

Is that mrs. Jasmine Hess my 7th grade english teacher chiming in? Nice to hear from U again.

Rooster said...

Yeah, who is cathy? Sounds like the Ace is pretty hot on her!