Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Drumroll please......

The mystery rider was none other than Mark "the Cubbes" DeCubber. Yes the man who took one of the most notorious diggers at ILRA 2 summers ago was back to frolic in the cold. Saturday's ride was also very eventful as Mark went down twice on the ice..Both times I was behind him thinking man he is flying (I was to scared to go that fast) then BOOM down he went. I have to admit the second crash was pretty entertaining. Mark hit some ice, unclipped his left foot in an attempt not to go down then at the last minute when he had to eject he somehow Kristy Yamaguchi's his was across the ice on his right foot with both arms extended and does this triple axel thingy....I thought for sure he would have Hermit manned his ankle but he bounced up and was like no big deal..The details of his first crash at ILRA 2 summers ago will have to wait for a future blog but let's just say after it happened Cubbe wasn't sure where he was..TC

Sunday, February 25, 2007

One more hint

The mystery rider is not only known for his road, cross and MTB skills but also was a serious amateur motocross rider. His highest accomplishment was lining up at an outdoor national heat race against an aging Damon Bradshaw and getting his ass handed to him....He also has a cousin who is pretty fast on a bike for a guy that only trains once a week....

Here's a hint

To figure out who "Mystery rider" is here is a simple hint...Two of the choices can easily be eliminated because they would never change their own car tires....Any guesses? Who would call AAA?

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Saturday guest rider

ILRA was the place this morning...It was cold but not to bad..As I rolled into the parking lot DC and Joeberon were already there getting ready. Erin was also there with Joe (or should I just say the Brewchampskis were there). Well anyway a few minutes later Butt shows up and I figure we were good to roll but DC informs us that today was special. There was going to be a GUEST RIDER....However said rider was going to be late as he had to change his flat tire (car)....Now the big question of the day is...drumroll please who was said mystery rider

A. Kid Carbon
B. Jason "the angel of the hills" Hess... Or just Mrs. Hess
C. Cross Crazy
D. Moncel
E. Mark "Cubbe" Decubber

If you were present for today's ride U R not eligible to enter the contest. Clues are as follows. Mystery rider crashed twice today and did his impersonation of the Bubba Scrub and also a Can Can. Oh by the way anyone attempting to ride the trails at ILRA should have studs...Lots of ICE and crashing....Not fun to crash but at least there were no broken bones. Winner of the contest will win one pair of slightly used cannondale riding shorts compliments of Butt (complete with skidmarks) and a years supply of GU (compliments of Cathy)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Grinding it out

Today ride was totally boring...Riding alone again today due to time constraints and the fact that I really don't want to drive an hour this time of year to ride I ended up at Stoney Creek riding the MTB on the road. That was like one huge run on sentence...I'm sure it would have garnered some red circles by Mrs Hess back in the day but I digress...Anyway after 20 miles of circling like a gerbil on its treadmill I just couldn't take anymore. It's not like I was cold or tired just freaking BORED...The Simonster texted me to say that he supposedly rode with Baldoveri this past weekend on the back roads and that he was riding strong and schnitzeled Fredricks in the hills...I can't believe that..No fucking way..I told Mike that Baldo couldn't ride with Mitch in the hills even if he was on a spree....Well I was going to ride the trainer tonight but that would be even more boring so I am resigned to just surfing the Tube looking for any reality show that looks good...Maybe The Real Housewives of Orange County is on tonight....By the way Jo is really SMOKING HOT but she is so fucking dumb and superficial that there is only so much of her that I could take...Oh well gotta run and see what is on the TV..


It was nice yesterday to get out and ride in the "warm" weather. After being off of the bike for about 2 weeks and only riding the rollers it felt weird to actually hit the road. The legs felt like crap and it felt like I was riding in qiucksand but nice nonetheless. It was kinda suprising that there were only 3 other guys that I saw out riding on the road (thought that there woulda been more). Oh well out today to get in some more "base miles" I know Cathy loves it when I use those terms. Looks like all the snow down here is going to melt so time to store away the skiis. Gotta ride...TC

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hopefully heading to the hills

Since it has been so cold and snowy lately the only thing to do is ski....there have been plenty of stories over the past couple of weeks....Mrs. Hess getting her downhill cherry popped then getting dropped by the lady who ran 12 miles earlier that day. The funniest thing was the lady was like " is that your friends first time in the hills?" There are some really good skiers at Indy Oaks and except for the downhills I've been able to ski pretty well so I am thinking about racing Hanson Hills this upcoming weekend. DC sounds like he is in and maybe with some coaxing the Rev will make an appearance......The Ace really wants to get Cross Crazy to go as he apparently has been training and is looking forward to the upcoming cross season....Well that is all for today's update..Gotta go get some skiing in..TC

Friday, February 9, 2007

THe Ace was Fredded by DC

Last nights ski was a KILLER. We've figured out a new hill loop that had my legs cramping by the end of the last downhill. The first lap started out nice. The legs felt fine andDC was on point laying it down but keeping it slow in places so that I could keep up. The second lap I led and I kept it slow in places to keep from passing out. There are times up some of those back hills that I literally start seeing stars by the time I crest the hill but anyway I survived. The third lap started OK as DC again was on point by the time we hit the hills the old legs were cramping and I was looking for my blanky and a binky. I think that the hills are starting to pay off. I was able to skate up all of them....no walking. The only that sucks is I kinda feel guilty not riding the bike. Hopefully the weather will start to warm up..TC

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Pontiac is dialed

After spending about a week off of the bike (well at least no outdoor riding for a week) I decided to give PLRA a try. Some Freds had posted on the MMBA bulletin board that the whole trail was rideable but U never know how reliable that info is so I had to find out for myself. DC was taking the day off. It is his new routine..no riding on Wednesdays only rest and since I figured it was to cold for Kid Carbon or the Wiz I was forced to ride alone which isn't bad at all . The only thing I worry about this time of the year is wiping out and breaking something then being forced to try and get out of the trail by myself so I always take my cell phone. But anyway enough of the safety lesson. The worst part about today's ride was getting out of the parking lot. The wind always rips across the lake and it seems about 20 degrees colder in the lot but once out on the trail it was awesome. The snowbilly's packed most of the horse trails down and the normal MTB trails were perfectly packed. The only problem I had was around the old Blonski's bypass (our winter route) as hardly anyone had been back there and the snow was unpacked. Once I got back on the regular trail it was all rideable and I made it up every hill without getting off or falling. It was so much fun I may bypass skiing tomorrow to ride the trails again..TC P.S. thanks to the Rooster for the history lesson but I still don't believe he knows who Ted Gray was.

Ted Gray

Not that anyone reads this crap anyway but does anyone know who Ted Gray was? I suspect he was probably some old dude that had a lot to do with making the trails at Indy Oaks. I would like to thank him for kicking my ass this last week. Yesterday I skied for 2 hours...did 3 hill laps and 2 lake laps. By the time I was done my legs were done...cooked. There haven't been to many people out skiing since the weather has gotten so cold and I only saw one other guy skiing and two other people running. I did have some fun with the other dude that was out there skiing as he blew past me at the trailhead. I was drinking some gatorade and was about to call it quits but he had nice form and was moving pretty quickly so I decided to see if I could catch him after he had a nice gap on me. I caught him on the last climb before you make the left to go around the lake and he noticed that I was behind him so he tried to wick it up a little. I love it that is when you know someone is trying to show U how big their stones are. So I just hung out behind him waiting for him to blow. He did two wheelies and then almost fell before letting me get by on the flats...I figured he probably had enough and had to back it down. Got back to the parking lot and was changed before he came back in...It's fun to play with the choads. TC

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

stop the insanity

With the weather basically sucking ass it has been difficult to motivate myself to ski. All in all about 3 hrs between the weekend and yesterday. To be honest that just doesn't just seem like enough time but with the weather being so crappy it was all I could do. Then I talk to the Simonster and Stinky and find out that they rode for about 10 hrs outside this weekend. Unreal...I hope that once the weather gets better I can get in some more hours. TC