Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Xtra large SUV's

I was asked by Mrs. Hess to blog on this one so I'll give it a shot. The story goes like this....I USED to own a 1997 Ford expedition....It ran great...never had any problems with it and I LOVED it because I could throw my bikes in the back without any problems (Here is where Jay likes to give me shit). Well unfortunately I got the wave through one day making a left turn from the turn lane across traffic and got PLOWED...Big red was gone...totalled...Frame was bent..BYE BYE...So I figure what the hell I'll just get another one no big deal the insurance company gave me like 9 grand for it and I was on my way. So I get the new truck figuring that everything would fit in the back just like my old truck. Well to my dismay the first thing that I did when I got home was try to put my bike in the back..Wouldn't fit...WTF...Apparently with the third row seat now coming standard it lessens the vertical size of the storage area in the back. FREAKING GREAT. So now I'm stuck with this vehicle that I bought only for the purpose of hauling around my bikes and now the only way to get any one of my bikes in the back is to take out the seatpost. I know not the end of the world but since Jay got me started again I thought I would vent....But the good news is now with gas at $1.84 a gallon I don't feel so bad....TC

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