Sunday, January 7, 2007

The Dutch oven

I've always had an affection for my own nocturnal emissions and have found the dutch oven to be an effective way to piss off one's wife, girlfriend or fuck buddy. Now on to today's ride... Since I had to slave away at the salt mines this weekend any morning rides would be nixed. I was hoping that I could get out early and put in some good miles at a relaxed pace and just ride for the enjoyment of being outside instead of on a trainer. Anyone who has ridden at Stoney Creek most certainly has seen a quadriplegic guy named Scott grinding away on his hand bike. I must admit that I've passed him numerous times and always said hi but have never spoken to him....that is until today. There wasn't much going on at the creek and as I unloaded my bike I saw Scott cranking by the parking lot. I eventually got on my bike and caught up to him but today instead of just whizzing by I struck up a conversation.."Can U believe this weather" or something like that. It was kinda cool to ride with someone new and it helped pass the time. I learned that Scott was paralyzed in 1974 as a result of a motorcycle accident and that he used cycling as his therapy. I think that it is probably like that for alot of us. Scott had to peel off after only 2 laps leaving me behind to finish up alone. Thanks Scott for helping to pass the time and for giving me some insight into what keeps you motivated. This time of year I need all the extra motivation I can get..TC

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