Monday, January 22, 2007

What could possibly happen next?

Talk about some scandal going on. Saari decides to leave the Rhin Hoes? What gives? Has Jeff has lost control? I wonder what he is going to do with all of those Barney Kits he's got laying around. Rumor is that Rippen Ronnie and Ken are also going to ride with Essex Brass. Look out sounds like the wolverines and Health net have some defectors as well. But getting back to those goofballs in purple and gold. I can just imagine the scene as Saari tells Jeff he's leaving. Jeff's temples start popping out then his face starts twitching right before he goes into the don't you know you wouldn't be anything with out me speech. The dude has to get a grip we are talking about freaking amatuer bike racing in Michigan. U think that the way some of these guys talk they are just biding their time until some big pro team picks them up to race in the Tour. The reality is unless U R some super stud with a huge motor that is absolutely blowing people away every week consistently U R probably not on anybodys radar (sorry for the ego check). Still it makes for interesting blogging and the Ace has been known to stir the pot every now and again. I guess that also means that if Ronnie is gone so is Luke. Let the force be with you Luke..TC


ask said...

Someday I am going to get my decoder ring to figure out who you are talking about. What did you decide on your mtb brakes?

rachel said...

you crack me up, tommy.

sworksredace said...

Rippen Ron is Ronnie Cink he used to race on the road alot a couple of years ago for the wolverines but recently has been riding at the velodrome. He always hangs out with Luke Cavender who is like 18 and totally worships the dude. Ken Vernier rode for health net. Hope this sheds some insight. I guess that Essex Brass is making a push to have a strong team.


boy you got that right..its local racing , no paychecks, no podium chix, just baggin. The scene has been like that for years, we used to call it the THE MICHIGAN WORLD CUP. I like
hype as silly as its is. wonder if the Underdog is gonna bring some brass with him for cross?