Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bloomer CX report

After helping Robert set up the course yesterday I knew it was going to be fast. The start was really long leading into a cool little wooded section then back out onto the parking lot and the rest of the course was pretty much typical Bloomer. Right out of the gate I was up in front. I would estimate in about 8th place. I knew however that the pace was blistering and that I couldn't hold out for long. About 3/4 into the first lap on the climb behind the larger play structure I could feel some guys breathing down my neck. In what seemed like an instant 5 or 6 guys went past and I never could recover. From there on out my race pretty much fell apart. I was JRA until I got caught by Ken Oday and from there on out we were able to work together and pick off a few guys. I have found that this year I just don't have the ability to suffer out of the corners and push myself. I would have liked to think that I felt better and rode better today but in all reality I probably did worse. I'm not sure what's going on. Terry Ritter was talking to me after the race and he said that I was probably not warming up enough and putting in hard efforts that is why I blew up 3/4 into the first lap. I'm going to try warming up more before Stoney next week. Probably the best thing about the whole day was that I got to hang out with my daughter and watch the A race. She was getting kinda slaphappy from some of the Mountain Dew that I gave her but the good thing was that by 8 pm she was asleep. Oh well back to the drawing board for next week. TC

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