Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I used to have a coke problem

Well not only Coke but also Mountain Dew. It's funny I haven't owned a bathroom scale in over two years but this winter I decided to really get strict about my diet in an attempt to lose some weight. I remember Dave telling me years ago that one easy way to not only drop weight but also feel better was to stop drinking pop. I've always been a caffeine addict. Not so much coffee but sugary sweet pop...now your talking. So about 8 weeks ago I decided to quit cold turkey. I had to admit I almost didn't make it past the first day. I remember sitting in the cafeteria at work watching a co-worker pouring a pop into a white styrofoam cup, it was shear misery. Eventually the cravings went away and I can honestly say that I've lost 8 lbs since I stopped drinking pop and I feel SOOOO MUCH better. I'm only drinking water, green tea, gatorade (during rides) and vitamin water if I want to change things up a bit. My goal now is to start to focus more on my diet. I'm trying not to eat as much junk but I just can't seem to shake cookies (Oreo's and Girl Scout thin mints). Oh well at least I've got the pop monkey off of my back.

1 comment:

... said...

Welcome back...I was wondering when you were going to jolt back to life. Don't you know that you have a obligation to all those working people that can surf on the job to keep them going !

And by the way, have you seen that commercial about vitamin water. You have to do like 225 sit ups to burn the calories in WATER.

a fellow coke addict