Saturday, February 24, 2007

Saturday guest rider

ILRA was the place this morning...It was cold but not to bad..As I rolled into the parking lot DC and Joeberon were already there getting ready. Erin was also there with Joe (or should I just say the Brewchampskis were there). Well anyway a few minutes later Butt shows up and I figure we were good to roll but DC informs us that today was special. There was going to be a GUEST RIDER....However said rider was going to be late as he had to change his flat tire (car)....Now the big question of the day is...drumroll please who was said mystery rider

A. Kid Carbon
B. Jason "the angel of the hills" Hess... Or just Mrs. Hess
C. Cross Crazy
D. Moncel
E. Mark "Cubbe" Decubber

If you were present for today's ride U R not eligible to enter the contest. Clues are as follows. Mystery rider crashed twice today and did his impersonation of the Bubba Scrub and also a Can Can. Oh by the way anyone attempting to ride the trails at ILRA should have studs...Lots of ICE and crashing....Not fun to crash but at least there were no broken bones. Winner of the contest will win one pair of slightly used cannondale riding shorts compliments of Butt (complete with skidmarks) and a years supply of GU (compliments of Cathy)

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