To figure out who "Mystery rider" is here is a simple hint...Two of the choices can easily be eliminated because they would never change their own car tires....Any guesses? Who would call AAA?
Any night ILRA rides will have to wait until the trail has melted right now it is simply to treacherous (sp) to ride at night unless you have some serious studded tires.
I think Moncel would call AAA, because Trek prob. pays for it.
Massey would prob. too b/c who has a Land Rover and changes their own tires?
Hmmm...since I don't know the other 3, I'm stumped.
We should do a nighty ride @ ILRA.
You are correct those are the 2 that could EASILY be eliminated...Although the Angel does drive a Rover as well
Any night ILRA rides will have to wait until the trail has melted right now it is simply to treacherous (sp) to ride at night unless you have some serious studded tires.
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