Thursday, November 15, 2007


Gripping your pillow tight....EXIT, LIGHT .....ENTER,NIGHT...TAKE MY HAND WE'RE OFF TO NEVER NEVER LAND.... What Lyrics and how appropriate. Thanks for the inspiration Timmy. The funny thing is today was the opening day of firearm deer season and as DC and I were spinning around PLRA I always feel a little twitchy knowing that somewhere out there could be some KOOK with his .30-06 Bolt action Remington glaring down his sights at us. This time of year we usually run into at least 4 or 5 guys out there who give you the stink eye as you roll by them. Tonights loops included one lap forward then one lap backwards including the horse trails, which were part of our original trail loop before the separation. Not one hunter seen on first loop, however on the second loop by the horse trails we came upon a older gentleman toting his rifle. As Don rolled by the hunter I could see the disguist in this guys face, as if our presence was scaring off all of his precioud deer. The second lap concluded at about 5 pm which put us at about 2 hrs for tonights ride. Not bad at this time of year. The funny thing was when we got there there was only one other car in the parking lot. As we were leaving about 5 other guys pulled up getting their lights out for a night ride. While I admit back in the day we used to do alot of night rides this time of year I really don't miss them especially since the leaves are getting so wet and the trail was getting rather treacherous. ENTER NIGHT..... Now on a post script if Jamie G reads this blog or if anyone reading it knows her can they convey a simple message to her? Now that TRHWoOC is back on the air can she PLEASE BLOG ABOUT IT? What happened to that OC energy drink guy ? Did he die?

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